How To Fix The Black Spots On My Laptop Screen?
There are several reasons why your laptop might develop black spots on its screen. Some of the most common ones include dust, fingerprints, scratches, and smudges.
You should clean your laptop screen regularly to remove these spots. However, you should never try to wipe off the spots yourself. Instead, you should hire a professional cleaning service to do the job for you.
Professional cleaners use special equipment to remove the spots without damaging the screen. They also apply a protective coating to protect the screen against further damage. Once the process is done, the cleaner replaces the original coating with a new layer of protection. This ensures that the screen remains scratch free.
To avoid getting black spots on your laptop screen, keep your computer clean at all times. Clean your screen using a soft cloth and warm water. Also, make sure to dry the screen completely after cleaning. Never leave your laptop unattended while it is being cleaned.
What Causes Blackspots On An LCD Screen?
Superficial Dirt or Debris
If you notice any black spots on your LCD screen, you should probably clean it. Even though there isn’t anything wrong with your LCD, it’s still a good idea to clean it anyway. Cleaning your LCD screen is simple and doesn’t require special equipment. All you need is a damp microfiber cloth.
With the LCD turned off, carefully wipe away the black spot with the microfiber cloth. Don’t worry about getting every last bit of dirt; you’ll only remove the most obvious bits. After cleaning your LCD screen, let it dry completely before turning it back on.
You can clean your laptop display screen using a damp microfiber towel. With the LCD turned on, wipe away the black spot. Be careful not to scrub too hard, however, or you might scratch your LCD screen. Clean your LCD screen periodically to prevent black spots from forming.
Stuck Pixel
A stuck pixel is any pixel on an LCD that won’t change color. Stuck pixels are caused by dust particles, dirt, fingerprints, scratches, and other debris getting lodged between the glass and the liquid crystals inside the display.
Black spots on an LCD screen are usually caused by stuck pixel issues. A stuck pixel is any corrupted pixel that won’t change color, no matter what image is being displayed.
To fix a stuck pixel, you’ll need to remove the debris causing the problem. You may be able to clean the screen yourself, but if not, you should bring it to a professional for repair.
Dead Pixel
A dead pixel is a common problem among LCD screens. Not only does it look bad, but it can actually affect the performance of your device. Dead-colored pixels are permanent, meaning that they cannot be fixed. Instead, you’ll have to replace the entire display unit if you want to fix the issue.
To avoid dead pixels, keep your LCDs clean. Dirt and dust build up on the surface of the LCD panel, causing it to malfunction. Clean your LCD regularly using a microfiber cloth or lint roller. You should also wipe down the edges of the screen every now and then to prevent any buildup there.
Finally, dead pixel damage can occur due to manufacturing defects. If you notice any of these types of bad pixels on your LCD, bring it to the manufacturer for repair.

High Temperature
Your laptop probably comes with a built-in cooling system. However, if you’ve noticed any problems with your laptop after being exposed to high temperatures, then you should consider getting a new one. High temperatures can cause serious damage to your laptop.
To avoid overheating, keep your laptop away from direct sunlight and heat sources. You should also clean the dust off your laptop regularly. A simple cleaning brush is enough to remove dust particles.
Overheating can also trigger the appearance of dark spots on your laptop’s LCD screen. These spots are caused by liquid crystals inside the display panel. As long as you don’t touch the screen, you won’t notice anything wrong with your laptop.
Moist Air
Dry air causes moisture to build up inside your computer. Moisture can cause damage to internal components, including the display screen. As a result, you may notice black spots appearing on your screen.
To prevent this problem, try to keep your computer out of places where there is high humidity. You should also clean your monitor regularly using a damp cloth. Avoid cleaning it with water, though, since that can lead to overheating.
Physical Damage
Black spots on an LCD screen are caused by physical damage. You might think that if you hit your phone hard enough, it won’t happen, but that isn’t true. Physical damage happens to every single cell phone out there. Even though it doesn’t seem like it at first, the damage eventually shows up on your screen.
Manufacturing Defects
Black spots on your screen are caused by manufacturing defects. These defects occur during production and may cause problems with your display. You should never try to fix a defect yourself since doing so could damage your screen. Instead, you’ll need to replace your device with an alternative.
There are several reasons why you might encounter black spots on your screen. Some common causes include manufacturing defects, dust particles, scratches, and fingerprints.
You shouldn’t attempt to repair a defective screen yourself. Doing so could damage your screen and void its warranty. Instead, you’ll have to replace your device with another model.
5 Methods To Fix The Black Spots On Your Laptop Screen
Fixing Stuck Pixels
Stuck defective pixels are annoying little buggers. They can really mess up your screen, especially if they are located near the edges of the screen. Sometimes, though, there isn’t anything you can do about them. So, instead of getting frustrated, wait and watch to see if they disappear on their own.
However, if they don’t go away after waiting a bit, try cleaning the affected part of the display with a soft cloth. Don’t scrub at it too hard, though, or you might scratch the surface and ruin the screen. Also, make sure not to touch any buttons or keys during the process.
Fixing The Dead Pixels
If you notice dead pockets on your laptop screen, there are several methods you can try to fix them. One method involves using a soft microfiber cloth to gently massage the faulty pixels. Another option is to replace the entire display.
Pressure Method
This is another great way to fix black spots on your computer screen. You’ll simply need to fold a piece of cloth, place it on your laptop screen and apply pressure using a pencil or a pen with a rounded end.
You should only apply enough pressure to cause the spot to return to its original color. Don’t apply too much pressure or else you risk permanently damaging your laptop screen.
Tapping Method
This is a great tip for fixing laptop screens that have black spots. You can fix the problem without spending any money at all. All you need is an eraser or a pencil.
To use this method, you will need an item with a round end, like an erasing sponge or a pencil. But instead of using a soft cloth, you will need to use a wallpaper effect or a white background.
You may not be able to completely remove the black spot, but you should be able to reduce its visibility significantly.
Use Pixel Repairing Software
There are several methods available to fix the black spots on your laptop display. One method involves using pixel-repairing software. There are plenty of free options out there, including JScreenFix, Damaged Pixel Buddy, Pixel Fixer, and others. However, there’s no guarantee that any of these programs will work for you.
You can test on your laptop display whether there are dead pixels by downloading a program called Dead-Pixel Check. Simply run the program on your laptop screen, and if there are any dead LCD pixels, you’ll see a red dot where the irregular pixel used to be.
How To Avoid The Black Spots?
Keep Your Laptop Clean
Keeping your laptop clean is essential if you want to avoid the dreaded black spots. You’ll want to keep your laptop clean at all times, especially after you’ve used it.
Use A Laptop Desk
A laptop desk is essential if you plan on using your computer at work. You’ll want to invest in a sturdy, well-made laptop desk to keep your laptop safe during your workday.

Avoid Direct Sunlight
Your laptop screen may become damaged if you expose it to direct sunlight for extended periods of time. You should avoid exposing your laptop to direct sunlight whenever possible. If you must use your laptop outdoors, keep it away from direct sun rays. Try to find a shady spot where you won’t be exposed to direct sunlight for long periods of time.
Regulate Temperature
Laptop temperature control is very important. You may not realize it, but if your laptop is getting hot, it’s probably running at a lower quality setting than it should be. As a result, you’ll notice that your battery life is shorter than it should be.